Friday, March 20, 2009


"They've taken the game out of our pockets,
They're filling theirs up and it's time to stop it
Cost of the tickets has gone through the roof
Hard to afford we're the living proof
Football clubs taking the piss
Boys like you don't put up with this
All seater grounds the rucking's no more
But up at the station we'll still have a war."

The Business - Hardcore Hooligan

The Ultras are our last good chance of returning the game to its real owners: the fans. The "professionalism" that has infected football since the '40s has slowly eating away the soul of the beautiful game. Now everything is about results. Now everything is about money. Now, everything is the nightmare dreamt by Havelange's sick, sick mind.

Granted, many more sick minds were necessary to transform football and destroy its popular character.

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